Sacred Arts Tour

The Latest News From The Monks of The Drepung Gomang Monastery Sacred Arts Tour   DGCEC is the host organization of the Drepung Gomang Sacred Arts Tours.  As noted by the Drepung Gomang Monastery, their purpose is four-fold,: To make a contribution to world healing and peace by sharing unique Tibetan Buddhist teachings, sacred religious…

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Find All Dharma Study Materials Here

Three Texts – The 37 Practices of Bodhisattvas, The Eight Verses of Mind Training & The Three Principal Aspects of Path. Three Principal Aspects of Paths A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment More resources on Shantideva text A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s…

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Construction Has Started…!

CONSTRUCTION UNDERWAY On Tuesday, November 4th the footers for our new extension were dug and poured! We look forward to this project moving along toward our expanded center!

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54th Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day

The Statement of the Kashag on the Occasion of the 54th Anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day: September 2, 2014 Today, as we celebrate the 54th anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day, the Kashag extends its warm greetings to all fellow Tibetans in and outside Tibet. On this joyous occasion, we express our heartfelt gratitude to His…

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Peacemaker of The Year

The Drepung Gomang Institute is named Louisville “Peacemaker of the Year” by Interfaith Paths to Peace August 28, 2014 IPP Executive Director Terry Taylor said, “Our friends at the Drepung Gomang Institute have reached out with spiritual peacemaking in every direction—to people of all religions, and to those who practice no religion. Over the last…

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