Mindful Self-Compassion with Pamela Cotton, PhD 8 Tuesdays, Sept 13 – Nov 1, 6:30 – 9:00pm

Self-acceptance and self-compassion are essential qualities of happiness and success, and they form a core component of resilience. This eight-week class on self-compassion will introduce you to our current understanding of self-compassion, why compassion is an essential part of our nature, and tools and practices that can be used to help you remember and return…

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366 VISUAL JOURNAL & SPIRITUAL JOURNEY: An Installation of 366 Hand-Painted Ceramic Tiles with Cozad Terry Taylor: Wednesday, August 31, 5:00 – 7:00pm, FREE.

Experience the creation of Cozad’s final tile at 5pm. Stay for a reception and enjoy viewing a years’-worth of spiritual artwork. In speaking of the technique used in decorating the tiles, Cozad says, “The process is much like the spiritual journey itself: a conversation with the unknowable. Whatever I intend to do creatively is literally…

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TWELVE DAYS TOWARD PEACE 2016, September 21 to October 2

Twelve Days Toward Peace 2016 September 21, International Day of Peace to October 2, International Day of Nonviolence Compassion, that desire to take action to end the suffering of another, is rooted in non-harm/nonviolence. When we want happiness for another, based on understanding our own desire to avoid suffering, we put aside all thoughts of…

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DYNAMIC NONVIOLENCE: STUDYING PEACE FOR LIVING with Cory Lockhart: 8 Wednesdays, 4:30 – 6:30pm, Oct 12 – Dec 7 (no class the day before Thanksgiving)

Dynamic Nonviolence: Studying Peace is based on a program developed by renowned peacemaker Colman McCarthy and taught to more than 5,000 high school, college and graduate students since 1982. In this 8-week process delve into the practice of nonviolence as a central component of compassionate living. Enjoy 15 pages of reading per session, in the…

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Vajrasattva Meditation Retreat, August 20, Saturday (10:30-5:00pm)

VAJRASATTVA MEDITATION RETREAT Saturday, August 20, 10:30 – 5:00pm Vajrasattva is the Buddha of Purification. This one-day retreat will provide participants the opportunity to purify whatever karmic negativities that we have accumulated in the past. This practice of recitation and visualization will also help us to overcome our present suffering, remove causes of our future…

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Memorial Service for Ven. Geshe Loten on Saturday, July 23, 3:00–6:45pm

Memorial Service for Venerable Geshe Loten at DGCEC, Louisville, KY Date: Saturday, July 23, 2016 Time: 3:00pm – 6:45 pm Organizer: DGCEC and Tibetan Community (IN, OH, KY) 3:00 – 4:30 pm Welcome speech by Anne Walter (Director, DGCEC) Introduction to late Geshe Loten by Geshe Kelsang Rapgyal (Executive Director of DGCEC) (Photo-slides – I.…

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Farewell Celebration for Sacred Arts Tour Monks -Sunday, June 5, 6:30pm

Potluck and Blessing: Sunday, June 5, 6:30pm All are invited to be part of our farewell celebration for the 2015-16 Sacred Arts Tour Monks. We have been blessed with the presence of tour leader Geshe Tsewang Thinley, and group members Geshe Youten Phuntsok, Geshe Tasi Gyamtso, Geshe Kalsang Ngudup, Geshe Tenzin Gelek, Tsultrim Dorjee, Soepa…

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Sacred Arts Tour Events in Louisville (May 22-29 & June 5)

  WORLD PEACE MANDALA CREATED AT UNITY CHURCH, May 22 – 29 Our Sacred Arts Tour Monks will be creating a World Peace Prayer Sacred Sand Mandala at Unity Church (757 S. Brook Street). The opening ceremony is on Sunday, May 22 at 11am. The construction will continue Monday to Wednesday, May 23-25, 10am to…

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